Saturday, June 23, 2007

Harvest Snapshot: June 23rd

Trombetta climbing summer squash, more Romanesco zucchini (Renee's Seeds), cucumber 'homemade pickles', red onion started from set in January.

Beans from left to right: Monte's Italian Heirloom (private, via a friend), purple italian pole beans (Renee's Seeds) x Monte's, green italian pole beans (Renee's Seeds).

I didn't deliberately cross the Renee's purple pole beans with the Monte heirloom, but given the times they were growing and the proximity, as well as the great change in the bean shape, I'm guessing that's what happened. The flavor is superb, so I'm happy with that. Normally the purple pole beans look like the green ones, rounded and pencil shaped, in contrast to the flatter purple beans of Purple Queen bush bean. It is also possible that they crossed with Purple Queen, but the broadness of the pods makes the Monte's cross more likely. The fun of saving seeds at home, when you just let the local pollinators decide what works! :-)



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